1. George Soros
Total Donations: $128.5M
Ever the boogeyman for the right-wing and conspiratorial minded people, this Hungarian-American businessman, philanthropist, and Holocaust survivor has long been involved in American politics from the sidelines. Making his fortune, which currently stands at 6.7 billion, as a hedge fund manager, Soros donated $128.5 million to his own outside group, Democracy PAC, which in turn parceled out that money to several super PACs supporting Democratic candidates.
$10.5 million of that money went to the Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer controlled super PAC, Senate Majority PAC. Another $1 million went to a pro-Israel group that backs Democrats called J Street Action Fund, as well as Planned Parenthood’s super PAC. Soros will continue to lavish money on Democrats while the right will continue to accuse him of ruling the world from behind the curtains.
1 thought on “10 Biggest Donors in the Midterm Elections”
Do I see a trend here? Make it look like the republicans have more money? If that’s true, how do the democRATs out spend the republicans 5 to 1?