Is Putin Losing The War In Ukraine?

Putin War
Photo by kibri_ho from Shutterstock

The numerous intercepted messages from men sent to the front without the requisite training, supplies, weaponry, and ammunition, are largely coming from Russian soldiers and residents of the self-styled Luhansk and Donetsk “people’s republics,” both of which are hastily organizing referendums asking if the resident’s want to return to being part of Mother Russia. If these shoddy referendums go ahead, the answer will undoubtedly be a resounding yes as the hammer and sickle hang waiting to strike above their heads should the answer be otherwise.

The recent televised decree by Putin that he is now going to call on 300,000 military reservists to serve in the fight against a country that did nothing other than court the West, smacks of desperation. Added to that, his recent massive defeats compelled him and his military hierarchy to proclaim that they were just ‘regrouping’ rather than retreating.

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