False claims about the economy
The whole economy territory was the main rhetorical battleground between Biden and his opponents and critics. Biden argued that the economy is thriving, while others argued that it was failing. Even if both sides had a valid point of view, the President decided to make false claims for a couple of extra points.
Now and then, Biden liked to overstate the progress and understate the problems. For example, when he was asked about inflation in automobile prices, he declared that the cost of a car was “kind of back to what it was before the pandemic”. In reality, the cost was way higher. Also, he didn’t hold back from exaggerating the extent of the decline in the unemployment sector during his tenure.
False claims about the Covid-19 pandemic
The wide majority of Biden’s speeches in the first year after being elected were all Covid-19-related. It’s true that he was, without a doubt, more accurate on the matter than Trump, as he focused on factually explaining the severity of the situation, rather than going with the same old rhetoric his predecessor had, about how bad numbers weren’t actually that bad and so on.
But Biden didn’t miss the occasion of claiming something that wasn’t true. What he did wrong was to promise citizens that they won’t get Covid as long as they are vaccinated, even if it was loud and clear that vaccinated people were still getting infected with the virus.
False claims in unscripted settings
There were times when Biden chose to stick to his prepared speeches that his staff vetted, which were all about facts. However, when he ad-libbed or merely participated in any unscripted exchanges with different journalists and citizens, we were more likely to hear inaccuracies from our current president.
He made false or misleading claims about the majority of things he talked about: how he handled the situation at the southern border, Virginia’s political history, gun laws, to the size of a tax break for those who own racehorses. If you want to learn more about all the times you’ve been lied to by our political leaders, you might want to try reading “The Lies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump: And the Mainstream Media“.
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