Mexican general Emiliano Zapata’s assassination in 1919
General Emiliano Zapata was assassinated right in the middle of the Mexican Revolution. His assassination was ordered by Mexican President Venustiano Carranza. Zapata fought very hard for poor farmers his entire life. After he died, he became no less than a symbol for Mexican peasants and the working class.
Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi’s assassination in 1948
Mahatma Gandhi managed to successfully win India’s political independence from Britain back in 1947. Unfortunately, he was killed by a Hindu extremist on the way to his evening prayers. He is known for his way of protesting peacefully, including a 241-mile march to the Indian coast to harvest salt, which led to 60,000 peaceful protesters being thrown into prison.
After he died, he has become a great symbol of what mass protests can change in the world and a great inspiration to later figures such as Martin Luther King Jr. and former President Barack Obama.