A couple of weeks ago, there weren’t any clear signs of any possible Republican comeback in the polls of the midterm elections. However, it seems that the case for a GOP rebound is a bit better. First, Republicans have now one or two individual polls that have proven to be in their favor, to the Democrats’ despair.
In fact, a recent poll taken by ABC News and the Washington Post showed that Republicans are 5 points ahead on the generic congressional ballot, a result that would definitely bring the GOP battle in their favor and make the Senate an uphill battle for Democrats.
Republican candidates have also gained ground in some individual Senate races, like Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. However, there are some counterexamples (as expected). Another appreciated pollster, Selzer & Co., showed that Democrats are 4 points ahead on the generic ballot.
In the meantime, Democrats have also gained some strong recent Senate polls of their own, in some states such as Ohio and New Hampshire. All in all, Democrats’ chances when it comes to winning the majority in the Senate are 68-in-100, which is an obvious downgrade from a high 71-in-100.
In the House, Democrats’ chances are around 31-in-100, which shows a smaller change of cards, as they dropped from 32-in-100.
However, we need to consider the fact that Republicans could still win in November.