Coming a day before a decision from Facebook Inc’s oversight board on whether to uphold Trump’s indefinite suspension from the platform, Donald Trump is back online, not back on any social media platform like Facebook or Twitter, but on what can only be described as looking like a blog from the earliest days of the Internet.
Built by Campaign Nucleus, the digital services company created by Trump’s former campaign manager Brad Parscale, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump” seems to be only the beginning of Trump trying to get back online, but this is not a new social media platform.
The former president has added a space on his website where he can post messages to his supporters, messages that can be shared by those so inclined on whichever social media platform they wish.
Although this may be seen as a way for Trump to circumvent his social media ban, a Twitter spokesman was quick to release a statement saying that they would lookout for any attempts to sidestep this ban, adding that content could be shared from the website as long as the material did not break Twitter’s rules.

Exiled at his private Mar-a-Lago residence and club in Palm Beach, Trump is clearly frustrated by his inability to share his musings with the wider world as back when he was still allowed on Twitter, he had a captive audience of some 88 million followers.
Trump never shied away from posting all manner of statements from the insulting to the inflammatory, and he is already back in that same vein as he is already using this new blog to perpetuate the widely debunked conspiracy theory that the 2020 election was stolen from him, a lie he genuinely appears to believe.
His ire has also been directed at Rep. Liz Cheney, the Republican party’s No. 3 House leader, for her refusal to appease Trump over his incitement of the Capitol insurrection and claims of a stolen election. Cheney wrote, “The 2020 presidential election was not stolen.
Anyone who claims it was is spreading THE BIG LIE, turning their back on the rule of law, and poisoning our democratic system.” Trump may not be president any longer but he still has a tight grip on the party as many are still choosing Trump as their guy, no more so than Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
McCarthy was recently caught on a hot mic talking about how he had ‘lost confidence’ in the Republican from Wyoming. McCarthy told Steve Doocy off-air ahead of a live “Fox and Friends” interview “I think she’s got real problems,” and “I’ve had it with … I’ve had it with her. You know, I’ve lost confidence. … Well, someone just has to bring a motion, but I assume that will probably take place.”

However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that McCarthy and fellow Republicans loyal to Trump’s claims that he actually won the 2020 election are doing a political hit job to appease their former (and still current it would appear) boss as Trump used one of his first posts on his new site to call out ‘warmonger’ Liz Cheney.
But who exactly is listening and where does Trump go from here? While a few have welcomed him back, most have openly mocked the retro-style blog posts as a desperate attempt to have the same impact he had in his Twitter days.
The posts on his new site are very reminiscent of his tweets, with capital letters, exclamation marks and misspellings but if Trump hopes to return to social media, we’ll soon find out what Facebook’s decision on lifting his ban will be, he will be waiting a long time to return to Twitter as they have reiterated the fact that the former president’s ban is permanent.
Whatever happens with this new ‘platform’ for Trump, it will certainly not have the same headline grabbing effect it did in the heady days of Twitter, but for most, just seem like a pathetic attempt to desperately hold on to some sort of relevance.
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