White House Records (Cont)
Trump should have turned over any and all paperwork when he left the White House in accordance with the Presidential Records Act that enables presidents to be held accountable for their actions in office. So what was Trump trying to hide? The story is still developing but the FBI and the justice department did NOT take the decision to raid his home for a very good reason. One they would have to get the signature of a judge to execute. They did.
The former President released a statement saying that not only will he not oppose the release of documents related to the raid, but he encourages it. If however, those documents do pertain to nuclear weapons, many will not only be asking why they were in his possession but what did he intend to do with them?
9 thoughts on “How Much Legal Trouble Is Trump In?”
You make an excellent argument for atheism.
Still looks fantastic !!
Imagine being so stupid that you look at this treasonous, traitorous, totally corrupt, self-serving , ignorant clown, this racist, semi-literate moron, this sexually assaulting, pathologically lying, feeble-minded ,morally bankrupt, constitutionally-illiterate simpleton , this bloated nitwit with his cotton candy hair, radioactive tinted skin, and OBESE dishevelment and think … ” NOW THIS IS A GUY I REALLY ADMIRE “
Stop this bullshit, Trump is a fucking criminal and belongs in prison !!! All of Trumps supporters belong in a mental institution for supporting this conman,grifter and fraud, wake the fuck up !
I 100% agree with Bill Wilkinson. He is totally unfit to ever be in political office again.
Trump Is a egotistical fraud. He doesnt care about our country and people. His arrogance and self centeredness is going to destroy our country. Wake up people. He wants us to be communist. We have faught to hard and lost too any lives to allow this to happen. He is a Putin wannabe. Hes in his pocket. We should all value our freedom. I love my freedom and country.
If he had done anything illegal, they would have found it with all their intensive investigations. They had dedicated staff going over every word and paper he signed. Because he was taking this nation in a direction of self-sufficiency and prosperity the left did everything to remove him. They resorted to fixing the election. The facts are coming out as people see what a vote for the left has got them. We see the panic that is desperately trying to create a crime to hang on Trump. They have few options. The one I see is the assassination of president Trump. This is becoming the only option. They wouldn’t kill a former president? Well they killed one in office. They want to rule this nation. The only way they can is destroy it from within. They have corrupted our laws, the prosecutors, the judges and even the cops. The efforts to take our only defence against government is clear. Lowering standards for our teachers, our cops, our military is tyrannical government. Trump rectified this and had to be removed. They removed him as president but not his influence. Knowing they must divert our attention when elections will put them out of power they rule by crisis. Dont be surprised if they stop the elections for a created crisis. ————-I, Grampa
Oh so true! They are all scared shit less.
As I have said previously, President Trump did us all a favor by taking those documents with him to Florida. He knew that Hunter Biden would have the ability to check things out once his father was in the White House. Had he had the opportunity to come across the classified documents, if indeed they are classified, he would have grabbed them immediately and sold them to his friends in China and maybe even Russia. Had he done so, nobody would have investigated him, or maybe even noticed that they were gone, and would still be blaming President Trump that he had removed them and.taken them to Florida and hidden them in a place where nobody could find them.