Claims about her work-related emails
The New York Times stated on March 2, 2015, that Clinton “used a personal email account for governmental purposes as secretary of state.” The emails were then stored on a private server in her New York home.
The State Department requested Clinton to turn over all 30,490 work-related emails, of roughly 55,000 pages, and to delete all 31,830 emails she mentioned to be personal. Clinton’s attempts to explain her unusual choice of email arrangements ended up in various false and misleading claims.
While she declared that she completely complied with every single rule, the department policy detailed that all “correspondence and memorandums on U.S. Foreign policy issues” should be instantly retained “at the end of the Secretary’s tenure or even sooner.” However, Clinton left the office on February 1, 2013, and she gave away her emails to the department on December 5, 2014.
Claims about Trump
Clinton falsely claimed repeatedly that Trump mentioned that he hosted the Miss Universe pageant in Moscow, after being asked if he ever had any foreign-policy experience. However, that never happened, as the news anchor never asked Trump to give an example of his foreign-policy experience.
However, it seems that Clinton chose to repeat the false claim, declaring that Trump “is qualified to be a commander in chief because he took Miss Universe to Moscow.” In one of her speeches where she criticized Trump, she once again decided to twist the Republican nominee’s words, claiming that he said “women will be able to make equal pay as soon as we do as good a job as men.”
It’s true that Trump was never a fan of equal pay legislation, but he has repeated many times that he believes in paying people depending on their performance, rather than gender.
Clinton pushed for all kinds of changes to background checks, claiming that the FBI needed “only one more day” to stop Dylann Roof from purchasing the handgun that he allegedly used to murder nine people at a church in Charleston, S.C.
However, one additional day wouldn’t have mattered in that case. The FBI director mentioned that clerical errors eventually led to Roof being legally capable to buy the gun back in April 2015, and the FBI didn’t confirm that the sale shouldn’t have happened until two months later after the shooting.
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