Senator Patty Murray (D-Wash.)
Murray is probably one of the most underrated Senators that ever existed. She managed to successfully lead the organization that aimed to increase the number of Democratic senators. Also, she played a central policy role in the chamber. She repeatedly proved a willingness and a certain ability to get things done, even when the partisan roar was getting worse. Murray, alongside Rep. Paul D. Ryan, were the ones who crafted the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2013, which eventually ended the financial brinkmanship of Congress. It was also proof that bipartisan compromise is possible as long as both sides are willing to try.
Senator Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.)
Graham is probably one of the few Republicans who managed to successfully navigate the rise of the tea party in the last years. Even if tea party types claimed they would take him down for his well-known moderation, Graham managed to get re-elected. He kept on representing the hawkish wing of the Republican Party and he still is one of the biggest skeptics when it comes to Russia and Putin’s motives for doing all the things he’s done so far. Did I mention his self-deprecating nature and amazing sense of humor?
Senator Michael F. Bennet (D-Colo.)
Bennet was never supposed to get through his first race. He was put there to fill the seat of then-Interior Secretary Ken Salazar back in 2009 when no one knew him in the state. However, Bennet managed to win his first race in 2010, and then again in 2016. He prefers staying on the quiet side and doesn’t seek the national press too much, which is a rarity for a successful politician that comes from a swing state. He is smart and serious, and the Democratic Party might learn a lot from him.
Governor Charlie Baker (R.-Mass.)
Massachusetts is one of the most Democratic states in the country. However, Baker, who’s a Republican, is one of the most popular governors in the country. Baker managed to cast himself as relentlessly positive when it comes to change. He’s also a businessman who’s committed to blowing up the entire government, just to make things work. He has shown a steady willingness to work with the Democratic state legislature in the Bay State.