People who are bar, restaurant, and other liquor store owners will be fined $1,000 if they participate in or even allow any contests of “dwarf-tossing”. Florida completely outlawed tossing dwarfs in 1989, after this kind of activity was caught on in southern parts of the state. A Florida state legislator even tried to repeal the law in 2011, but without success.
Those who are engaged in llama-related activities, like riding, training, and even goofing around at a county fair, are fully responsible for any personal injuries they might have. The Georgia Department of Agriculture law is very strict when it comes to llama owners, especially when we’re talking about possible liability in the event of harm or even death.
However, if someone is simply watching from an authorized area, they are allowed to pursue legal action.
New York
The Empire State completely bans “being masked or in any other manner” disguised in public with a group of people who look just the same. This law has been through many challenges since 1845, with exceptions for parties included, according to the New York Times and Find Law.
Well, the law managed to get partly overturned because of the coronavirus pandemic, since health and legislative officials encouraged wearing masks and face coverings in public.
Do you know any other “weird” laws from the state you live in? If yes, we’re dying to find out more, so don’t hesitate to write down in the comment section and tell us more about it!
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