1. John F. Kennedy
This is to date the most infamous of the numerous political deaths that occurred in U.S politics in the last century. John Kennedy was the 35th president of the United States. He was murdered on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, while he was in the presidential motorcade with his wife, Jacqueline, and John Connally, who was the then Governor of Texas.
His death was the result of a bullet fired by a man later discovered to be Lee Harvey Oswald. Although Oswald was captured, the death of John Kennedy still remains suspicious because conspiracy theorists point out that Oswald must have been acting with co-conspirators.
The fact that Oswald was eventually murdered by Jack Ruby while in police custody appears to validate this speculation and the theories continue to this day.
3 thoughts on “10 Most Suspicious Deaths In American Politics”
This could have been a great read but it is riddled with errors, typos, and poor editing. Just one example…Archbishop Romero was NOT killed on United States soil; he was killed in San Salvador. One man’s opinion…if the items are important enough to be written, they should be important enough to be well-written.
All the above deaths and many others like them plus many suicides by notorious criminals while in custody , show the incompetence of our criminal system and the power/influence of few . individuals/organizations/institutions.
The Kennedy assasination was the beginning of the end for American Democracy. “They” then knew that they could get away with anything, and have been ever since.