20 False Claims Trump Used in His Announcement Speech – Part 3

Photo by Frederic Legrand – COMEO from Shutterstock

Illegal immigration

While he was lamenting over illegal immigration, Trump added “I believe it is 10 million people coming in, not three or four million. They are pouring into our country.” But this is completely false.

As Emily Ryo, a professor of law and sociology at the University of Southern California’s law school, who is an expert on immigration, said, “there’s actually no empirical basis for the idea that 10 million undocumented people actually entered under President Biden.” Also, Julia Gelatt, a well-known expert at the Migration Policy Institute think tank, added: “Based on the current data, it’s not possible that 10 million unauthorized immigrants crossed the border to the U.S. under President Biden. The reality is actually only a fraction of that.”

Inflation in turkey prices

Trump even discussed the matter of turkey prices, by saying: “Good luck getting a turkey for Thanksgiving. First, you won’t get it and if you do, you’re going to pay three to four times more than you paid last year.” It’s worth saying that this is not even close to true.

Turkey prices have increased since last Thanksgiving season, but they didn’t triple or quadruple. The weighted average advertised market price of a frozen hen is 97 cents per pound, which is up 10% from the same time last year, while the price of a frozen ton was up by 7%.”

Trump and wars

Trump claimed that his critics said during the 2016 presidential campaign that if Trump gets elected, war will follow within weeks. Then, he added: “and yet, I’ve gone decades, decades without a war. The first president to do this for that long a period.”

Needless to say, his statement is nonsense. Trump was only president for four years, so his “decades, decades” is beyond a simple overstatement. Trump presided over our involvement in the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria, even if he’s not the one that started them. He actually was a commander-in-chief for dozens of US airstrikes, with drone strikes included, in Somalia, Yemen, Libya, and Pakistan.

Not to mention the famous drone strike he commanded in Iraq, which was meant to kill Qasem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force, which is known to have prompted Iranian retaliation against US service members.

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