Back on May 2, 2011, when Seal Team Six completed a raid on Osama bin Laden’s compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, not only did it kill the al Qaeda leader but also swept up the treasure they discovered among his personal belongings.
The U.S. Central Intelligence Agency made a big part of the found materials available to the public. Bin Laden’s personal possessions completed a broader picture of how the notoriously secretive leader led the 9/11 attacks.
What they discovered was beyond bothering. If you’re curious to know some of the things that they’ve seen in the leader of the international terrorist network al Qaeda, click next:
3 thoughts on “9 Shocking Things Navy SEALs Discovered in Osama bin Laden’s House”
God Bless Our Navy!!!! Go Blue! You have my full support! Thank the good Lord for ya’ll fighting and protecting our country like you do! We can never repay you for your service but know that it means the world to us that live in America baby! MAGA
How about DADDDDDDDDDD! Ladens story of my sheep. Why my camel smiles, my brother in the sand? Or his fovaorite, I have 100 wives and you have one. 87 virgins my a$$
All discovered shows that Bin Laden was nothing g more than a very sick individual with delusions of grandure and a God complex