Although through his early school years he did not excel academically, Putin would set himself apart through athletic competition, particularly the martial arts disciplines of Sambo and Judo. His mother initially disapproved of her son’s athletic ambitions despite proving himself to be a worthy and skilled competitor in both disciplines.
He would soon garner his parent’s support when one of his coaches came to the Putin household to praise their son’s sporting prowess. His love of Sambo and Judo continues to this day as he still serves as the President of the same Dojo he practiced in while growing up. He is also the first world leader to practice at an advanced level in these sports.
Despite not establishing himself academically in the early years of his school life, Putin would attend a magnet school where his focus was on chemistry.
While not initially covering himself in academic glory, his teachers noted his potential and encouraged him to use the same focus he had for martial arts. By the sixth grade, his refocus saw his grades improve and he was welcomed into the Young Pioneers, the youth group run by the Communist Party, an organization he had been previously rejected from.
1 thought on “Vladimir Putin – The Polarizing Bear of Russia?”
Putin was / is no choir boy. He now lives in a billion dollar palace with lavish gardens and secluded acreage. He leaves a trail of executed enemies and I would wager unlike the cowardly Clintons, he didn’t hire someone to do his dirty work. My guess is he has acquired much of his wealth from stealing. He is / was a thief, murderer and bully.
That being said, he now promotes family, Christianity, a sovereign Russia. He loves his country.
Russian military soldiers are encouraged to be heterosexual not homosexual like here in America. No red high heel marches for Russian troop and none of this insane transgender nonsense.
Say what you will about Putin, but he always comes across with dignity and decorum unlike our womanizer Clinton, blustering big mouth Trump, queer, gay Obama, drunk at the podium Piglosi or senile pedophile Biden.
Russia at the moment can be proud, they at least have a leader that acts like a leader. He’s not perfect but Vladimir Putin is a hell of a lot better than the traitors in DC that have sold our country out and are for the most part all sexual perverts, drunkards and cocaine addicts.
I saw a picture of Putin as a young boy sitting on his mother’s lap. They are both rail thin and looked to be real Russian peasants. Vladimir Putin started out dirt poor. He had initiative, drive, focus and despite all the odds against him is now where he is at.