This Wednesday President Joe Biden made headline with a notable remark towards one of the most powerful leaders in the world, Vladimir Putin.
A recent American intelligence assessment revealed that the Russian government had been involved in trying to influence the 2020 election; reportedly, their main purpose was of ‘denigrating’ Joe Biden’s candidacy for the office.
During an interview for ABC’s Good Morning America, Biden declared that Russian president Vladimir Putin ‘will pay a price’ for his attempt of undermining last year’s presidential elections. He further added the following:
‘We had a long talk, he and I, and relatively well. And the conversation started — ‘I know you and you know me. If I establish this occurred, be prepared.’’
Before we get into detail on what Biden’s future actions might be, let’s see what we know so far about the Russian government’s 2020 plans.
An unknown foreign treat?
On March 16th, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence published an unclassified file presenting the foreign threats targeted at the 2020 federal elections in our country.
Perhaps the most shocking part of the report was that Russia had been focusing on ‘denigrating President Biden’s candidacy and the Democratic Party by supporting former President Trump and exacerbating sociopolitical divisions in the U.S.’
If you’re curious to read the full report, this link gives you free access to it.
Interestingly, this is the most comprehensive report in the history of our presidential elections as it features in great detail how other state leaders had been trying to influence the election results.
In some ways, it’s no wonder. After all, it was one of the most tumultuous elections of all time and there were many common interests in the game.
Although it came as a surprise for the general population, the report was only a confirmation of many political experts’ assumptions: that Donald Trump and (part of) his administration had been closely supporting Putin’s disinformation campaign targeted at Joe Biden. At the time, this theory wasn’t talked much about because there was very little evidence to support it – but now we certainly know the truth.
The news made headlines in no time; now, given that President Biden would be invited at ABC’s Good Morning America the very next morning after the report, everybody was clearly waiting for his response to the findings.
The conflict with a soulless leader
Biden’s alleged talk with president Putin reminded us of another key moment of the two-leader relationship: back in 2011, our President says he met with Putin at the Kremlin. According to Biden himself, he said he doesn’t think the Russian leader has a soul to which Putin replied ‘We understand each other.’
During his interview for the ABC, Joe Biden insisted that the key of maintaining good international relationships politically is to ‘just know the other guy.’
And he does – or at least that’s what Biden declared, after which he confirmed the interviewers’ theory claiming that Putin is a killer.
And it doesn’t take much to prove that the Russian leader is indeed a force to be reckoned with. Our biographical article right here showcases some of Putin’s most chilling atrocities in detail – including the historical moment when he knowingly murdered 300 innocent Russian citizens just to ‘show strength.’
Right now, the question on everybody’s lips is what exactly does Joe Biden have in store for Russia now that the intelligence agency report is out.
Although he didn’t give many details, Biden declared the following:
‘The price he’s going to pay, well, you’ll see shortly. There are places where it’s in our mutual interest to work together. That’s why I renewed the START agreement with him. That occurred while he’s doing this, but that’s overwhelmingly in the interest of humanity that we diminish the prospect of a nuclear exchange.’
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