President Trump and the Rise of the Mysterious QAnon

Image Courtesy of Pinterest

It was also claimed that staffer Seth Rich had been murdered in retaliation for his part in leaking Democratic National Committee emails.

This elaborate plot centers around DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz hiring the notorious Salvadoran gang MS-13 to murder Rich for his perceived treachery. There are 12 Russian military intelligence agents who would very much like that to be true, seeing how they were indicted in July 2018 for hacking the DNC’s e-mail accounts and networks.

Whether this is a single individual or a group, their identity has remained a secret, but that hasn’t stopped the speculation on who this might actually be. Some theorize that they may be a military intelligence officer while others believe it’s Trump himself squeezing in a few extra tweets to add to his daily average of 26.

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