President Trump and the Rise of the Mysterious QAnon

Image By Dzmitry Malyeuski From Shutterstock

The rise of the keyboard warrior has also played a major part in QAnon’s popularity, with more and more people giving themselves the grand title of ‘online researcher’ as they uncover the ‘truth’ behind the curtain of American society as they expose the Illuminati, the Satanists, the New World Order or those shape-shifting lizard people who apparently rule us all from the shadows.

Successive administrations from the past have not exactly helped themselves be seen in a favorable light by the people they are supposed to be serving. From the Teapot Dome scandal of the 1920s to the false flag Gulf of Tonkin incident that would be used to start a war with Vietnam to Nixon’s Watergate. The corruption and misuse of power have long played a part in the American political psyche of the 20th and 21st centuries.

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