Is Voter Fraud a Real Problem for U.S. Politics?

Voice of America, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

But, no one believes this fallacy more than the target of this so-called radical left elite conspiracy than the man himself, Donald J. Trump. As he’s back on the rally road once again giving crowd-pleasing speeches reiterating those unfounded claims that the 2020 presidential elections were stolen from him.

Claims that caused the January 6 insurrection at the Capitol building just under one year ago and the deaths of five people including Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick who was assaulted by rioters and tragically passed away soon after.

With elections this year and the presidential election in 2024, these claims, and further claims of conspiracy and fraud, are not going away any time soon. Much like Trump himself who continues to tease a second run for the White House. And if history teaches us anything, it’s going to be a dirty race filled with the same lies, with undoubtedly more piled on top for good measure.

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