Is Voter Fraud a Real Problem for U.S. Politics?

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Any number is of course troubling, but put in the context of the whole, that number equates to 0.0001% of the 23.5 million votes tabulated in the 42 jurisdictions the Brennan Center looked at. However, seeing that we appear to be living in a post truth world, even studies done by reputable institutes are being accused of taking part in some wide ranging conspiracy to keep the GOP from ever gaining power again.

These claims of voter fraud would gain more believers when Trump was joined in his accusations by newly elected New Hampshire governor Chris Sununu, who parroted Trump’s claim that voters had been illegally bused into New Hampshire from Massachusetts to deny Trump the landslide result he felt he should have had in the 2016 election.

The Brennan Center would again step in to refute these claims and they weren’t alone this time. Along with a number of journalists, a member of Trump’s own voter fraud commission, New Hampshire Secretary of State Bill Gardner, would rebuke these accusations. Gordon MacDonald, the New Hampshire attorney general, led an investigation and found zero evidence that there had been any voter fraud in the Granite State in 2016.

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