Is Voter Fraud a Real Problem for U.S. Politics?

Image By BiksuTong From Shutterstock

This belief in widespread voter fraud has seen a resurgence since the swearing in of our 46th president of the United States, Joe Biden, no thanks to the continued insistence by his predecessor that the election was stolen from him by the ‘radical left’.

And it wasn’t the first time as Trump famously trumpeted the original version of his big lie after his victory in 2016 by suggesting that he would have won the popular vote as well as the electoral college if “you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.” The claim was of course lapped up by his core supporters and the notion that the American voting system could be largely corrupt gained serious and troubling traction.

Thankfully, in 2016 more wiser heads prevailed in the shape of the nonpartisan law and policy institute, the Brennan Center. They conducted a study into the validity of the then-presidents escalating claims of voter fraud and found around 30 cases of noncitizen voting that required further investigation.

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