6 Troubling Questions About Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine

Invasion Ukraine
Photo by Gevorg Ghazaryan from Shutterstock

6. What Does Putin Want?

As an ex-KGB spy, Putin has long been very secretive in his intentions. However, he has clearly stated that he will never allow Ukraine to join Nato and went further still by demanding that Nato remove its forces from Central Europe, Eastern Europe and the Baltics as he sees this as a direct threat to the safety of Russia.

It appears that he wishes to turn back time as last year he claimed that the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991 as the “disintegration of historical Russia”. Putin has also claimed that Nato have broken the promise they made in 1990. Nato allegedly promised it would expand “not an inch to the east”, but have continued to expand eastward, effectively making Putin feel like he is being backed into a corner.

Nato made no such promise to then Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev, with him later saying “the topic of Nato expansion was never discussed” at the time. Putin’s saber-rattling and threats come at a time where he is increasingly isolated on the world stage. His decision to invade Ukraine has majorly backfired, not only because of the brave resistance from the Ukrainian people, but nations all over the world are coming together to condemn these actions and take measures to hopefully remove Putin from power.

Putin has never been one to back down, but it seems he has severely overextended himself. Despite Russia claiming to be open to talks with Ukrainian representatives on the border with Belarus to come to a diplomatic solution, Ukraine and the rest of the world are unlikely to let Putin’s decision to launch an unprovoked attack on a democratic, sovereign nation will not go unpunished.

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13 thoughts on “6 Troubling Questions About Russia’s Invasion Of Ukraine”

  1. The Ukrainian people have been fighting for freedom and dignity for nine years. The police state abetted by Russia has been brutal and merciless since the early protests of the Orange Revolution. The Ukrainian people deserve our complete support. The Russian invasion must stop! The United States must do everything possible to engage NATO and the European Union to establish a “No-Fly” zone to support humanitarian relief and to support Ukraine against the Russian aggressor! It’s time for the “humanitarian war.” Putin has displaced millions in Syria and now in Ukraine. This must stop!

  2. I enjoyed reading your article about Russia’s invasion of Ukrain. It was very easy to understand, and very informative.

  3. The worst display of information put out by Putin, he is lying to the Russian people. When it is known of all his lies, the Russian people will rise and dispose of him. The world (and the U.S. people) do not have any animosity against the Russian populous, its the governments (of countries) who wants to see their form of democracy, communism, authoritarianism, or other radical forms of control trying to instill their beliefs on a people who only want peace and quiet to live a fruitful life for their own family. All you governments who are trying to entice the people to believe in their system, back off. Let the people decide how they want to live and decide who is best suited to lead a country after listening to and reading authentic information provided by truth sources. People are unconquerable, it just takes time to rise to get rid of the corrupt vassal of Russia who unfortunately happens to be Putin. People of Russia, it’s “Money” corruption, corrupted by the individuals presently in power who dictate how to line their pockets with your hard earned money. Freedom, harmony, peace will succeed if we all stand up against these corrupt persons and eradicate them.

  4. Your article leaves out a lot of details when the new Zelinskij government was put in by the United States. Starting in 2014 the Americans moved
    Numerous military equipment into Ukrain. Also Ukrain wanted to be part of the NATO, which would make Ukrain part of the NATO, a neighbor with Russia. Just remember when 1962 Hrushow wanted to do the same in Cuba, President Kennedy told the Russian this would end up WWIII. We are not stupid to see that Putyin has some good reason to demilitarize Ukrain and make it independent. The war is horrific, by Poland, US sending more military help, equipment will make the war more devastating to the poor Ukrain people.

    1. Nice to hear the adequate thoughts about this operation (war), not too many people are able to analyze the situation and see the roots of the conflict. A lot of our citizens are lazy to get alternative info. about how and when everything started and it begins in 2014 in Donetsk & Lugansk ( Donbas region) – about 14-15 thousand were killed and 500 children, but NATO & OON doesn’t care much, if at all. I am Ukrainian myself, came to the US in1991 ( kicked by the economy), love this Country but my inner self tells me something wrong about the “pour Uki government”, which in 21 century in the center of Kyiv let happened to march “SS Galicia” – the old fascist organization, etc…

    2. frederick fetty jr

      I lived and worked for the U.S. State Department for 11 years (2000-2011) in the former Soviet Union. Folks there are not Russian fans nor Putin fans. Aniko, why do you think that is???

    3. You left out the most important scenario of the Cuban situation. In the Cuban crisis, the USSR was going to put nuclear weapons in Cuba. There are no nuclear weapons being put in Ukraine. As a matter in fact, Ukraine gave up all their nuclear weapons after the 1991 breakup of the Soviet Union because Russia agreed to not violate Ukraines soverieignty. All the U.S. and allied firnished military weapons that have gone into Ukraine are defensive. Since the end of WWII, the USSR wanted to dominate eastern Europe as a dictatorship. The USSR created (remember) the Iron Curtain to control and keep of all the eastern block countries in their sphere and restricting all European countries from peacefully interacting with each other. In response, NATO was created because of the USSR’s decision to (at that time) deadly put down the uprising of the Polish, Hungarian, Chezchoslovakian, people who wanted freedom for communisum. Until the Russian Federation joins the world order of peace and freedom for their citizens, they will always be a third rate country economically. Germany and Japan relented and look where they are now. They are on of the top five economies in the world. The Russian Federation will never reach this level until their communistic policies are changed and they become a partner seeking peace and freedom (for their citizens) throughout the world.
      Aniko, the United States of America only retaliated with vengence when we were violated. Remember Pearl Harbor and Sept 11 (Twin Towers)? If you don’t support the USofA (right or wrong), think about giving up the good life here and move to where you think a better country is.

  5. Bernard Jackson

    This is the same way world War 1 and 2 started. When will we ever wake up and stop repeating our selves. All dictators are of the same mode Unless the world unites together against every dictator. . There can only be one out come

  6. Nice to hear the adequate thoughts about this operation (war), not too many people are able to analyze the situation and see the roots of the conflict. A lot of our citizens are lazy to get alternative info. about how and when everything started and it begins in 2014 in Donetsk & Lugansk ( Donbas region) – about 14-15 thousand were killed and 500 children, but NATO & OON doesn’t care much, if at all. I am Ukrainian myself, came to the US in1991 ( kicked by the economy), love this Country but my inner self tells me something wrong about the “pour Uki government”, which in 21 century in the center of Kyiv let happened to march “SS Galicia” – the old fascist organization, etc…

  7. This very thing is happening here. Trump uses rallys like Hitler and Mussolini did to whip people into a frenzy. Even a year and a half after Trump was soundly defeated, he’s still going around the country holding rallys much like preaching to the choir. His actions on Jan 6, ’21 nearly toppled our democracy, I shudder to think what would have happened had he succeeded. One scenario would be Trump declaring martial law and suspending all political parties and do a Putin like takeover. Trump has one big hurdle, he’s 75 now, in ’24, he’ll be 77, just 2 yrs younger than Biden now. Given his overall health ( I think he’s type 2 diabetic), that’s just my opinion, because he drinks a lot of water during his rallys. I’m type 2, overweight and I’m constantly craving water. He’s a doddering old fool now, no telling what he’ll be in ’24.

  8. And Biden is trying to get us into war with Russia and China.Why do I hear that Biden will be impeached but nothing is being done. He is ruining the U.S. and people are wanting to leave here to get away from all the corruption from him that he is causing for our country! Why can’t we get him out of office?

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